What’s Your Story?
Want to submit your Journey through to us? You can share it here! If you want to reach out to someone who shared their story, then please click here.
Please note that we do have some Terms and Conditions with stories that are sent to us.
You are agreeing for your story to be published to our online community, this includes our Facebook Page, Instagram and Our Journeys section on our website.
Not all of them are guaranteed to be published online. If you are looking to share a story privately, then we ask you to visit our Private I’m Adopted – Adoptee Talk Facebook Group here.
You must be over 18 years of age to share your story. If you are not, then please submit on your parent’s or guardians’ behalf.
People may contact you asking to assist you if you are searching for relatives or family if you submit a request through our Private Facebook Group. These people are not affiliated with I’m Adopted.
We are here to here to community for adoptees and to provide an open space. – Thank You for your understanding.
instagram.com @imadoptedOrg
Note: Upon submitting, you agree to the terms and conditions on the left. We will also ask for a photo to add to the story that is submitted.
We will reply and request this once we have received your story!
We at I’m Adopted are not held legally reliable for any physical, mental, or emotional traumas that may be associated with an adoptee after sharing a journey. With your submission, you agree that we can publish your journey.