I’m Adopted Adoption Diaries

Katarina Reach

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Katarina Reach Katarina Reach

Sweet Serenity

Calm. Peaceful. Untroubled.

What still seems like a fairy tale in my mere imagination, I attempt to convey this reality from my faded memory. I was initially guarded at the mention of you. Yet what was once the great divide of my own fear and love for you became the very thing that we shared in common whether you realized this or not. Chaos bore beauty in the making...

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Katarina Reach Katarina Reach

Nature vs. Nurture

The age-old question of nature vs. nurture has been a prevalent question in my life as an adoptee. I grew up with very little connection to my roots and many unknowns about my history (biologically and environmentally). Despite my many questions and longing for answers, I have come to find that even answered questions can often lead to more unanswered questions…

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